
dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

2013 Events in Zeeland-Netherlands.

1. Zeeuwse Oldtimer Rit 2013 van Westkapelle naar Emelisse-Kamperland. Over de Veersegat Dam.

2. 2013 Vliegshow Arnemuiden. Airshow Arnemuiden. 

3. SAIL DE RUYTER -Vlissingen - TALL SHIPS parade.
Fotography was made from a small yellow pilotboat, crossing the sea, with me and 2 colleagues: a man from "Omroep Zeeland" plus a PR lady from R. (Top left). We had a great time.

At the waters of the Westerschelde before Vlissingen (the second important harbour of the Netherlands), the tall ships and other boats sailed and made salute canonshots.
At night there was a "mirror battle" in the inner harbour.

Mr. Pieter van Vollenhove arrived to officially open the fully renovated "Dock of Perry".

Fotografie: André van der Velde voor Magazin "de Badkoerier"
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Het gele schip uit Rusland.

Het witte maritieme opleidingsschip uit Rusland.